How do you quantify a ‘non-diet approach’? A non-diet approach really means that you are not using external sources to dictate what you eat and when you are going to eat. I think a lot of people struggle with diet rules and therefore believe they are not dieting.  The reality is that whenever we are looking towards […]

Interview with Sarah Kirton: “Our Bodies Are Not The Problem”


“Butterflies in your stomach” is the classic example of the brain-gut connection. The mind and the feelings that go along with it have real effects on the body and wellness.  When a psychological condition such as disordered eating is at play, feeding alone doesn’t “cure” the person. Treatment may involve re-introducing the body to food, […]

Mindset, Affirmations, and Intuitive Eating


The “Appearance Ideal” is what society tells us the “perfect woman” looks like. Think perfect skin, toned, large-chested, ultra-slender. (Notice, some of these features are pretty incompatible…)

Body Image and Rejecting The Appearance Ideal

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